Articles for School Leaders
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I thought it was a pretty run of the mill conversation about teacher practice. It certainly wasn’t a formal Performance Review conversation. I was simply following up. It was about 3.45 pm and I was visiting the classroom of a teacher who had had a rough day.
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There is almost universal agreement from school leaders about the high level of the importance of reflection in their work. It stands to reason that highly effective and impactful leaders spend some time focusing on their own strengths and weaknesses.
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When I ask school leaders what the opposite of failure is, there are some interesting responses. The most common answer is success. Being the agitator that I am, I like to challenge this. Success implies an absence of failure – that what we do regularly works at a high level. I don’t think schools are like this.
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Research-proven approaches and considerations are already achieving positive results in schools when it comes to school bullying prevention, school culture development, social outcomes of students and a welcoming school climate.
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Most school leaders are confident and assured that school culture matters. They are also equally comfortable with the definition of culture as a set of behaviours – both the behaviours that we encourage and the behaviours that we tolerate. A school’s culture can be viewed metaphorically as the soil that allows our crops (our students and our programs) to develop and achieve to full potential. All good farmers tend specifically to the health of their soil from time to time.
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