Teaching and Learning

Safe, respectful and inclusive schools and workplaces are critical to achieving staff and student wellbeing and high-quality educational goals and targets. Through purposeful and intentional strategies, policies and programs, schools already foster a culture of respect. Respectful relationships education extends the capacity of schools and Child and Family Learning Centres to provide targeted professional support through a whole-school approach and curriculum-based teaching and learning.

Our resources from the early years through to Year 12 provide a comprehensive series of practical ideas, strategies and content for age-appropriate teaching and learning.  

The Prep – Year 10 packages include content linked directly to Australian Curriculum v9.0. 

Resources are organised by stages of schooling. Each package for the formal schooling years includes a scope and sequence, teaching and learning activities and links to resources. The activities provide explicit opportunities for developmentally appropriate learning about consent education, gender stereotypes and roles, keeping safe, respectful relationships and who to ask for help if your safety is threatened. 

Our intention is schools will use all or parts of the resource within their context and priorities. 

Teaching and Learning Packages  

Respectful Relationships Education Teaching and Learning Package: Years 11 – 12  (PDF, 4.1MB) – New release (March 2024)

Respectful Relationships Education Teaching and Learning Package: Years 7 – 10 (PDF, 10MB)

Respectful Relationships Education Teaching and Learning Package: Foundation – Year 6 (PDF, 15MB)

Respectful Relationships Teaching and Learning Package: Early Years (PDF, 7MB) – New release (June 2024)

For students, the content that is discussed in the delivery of respectful relationships education may be distressing or triggering. It’s important to provide information about the range of services available for children and young people to access if they, or someone they know, requires support regarding sexual assault, domestic or family violence, such as the following:

Visit the Resources webpage for these teaching and learning packages by specific year level.

Embedding Respectful Relationships Education

Respectful relationships education teaching and learning resources align curriculum and professional learning with whole-school implementation processes. A whole-school approach to respectful behaviour and relationships is about working together to build positive, inclusive learning environments and a culture of respect based on responsibility, integrity and accountability. 

The following video illustrates how Kings Meadows High School in Launceston is working towards embedding respectful relationships education into their Health and Physical Education program as part of a whole-school approach.